Last additions - Velika planina in clouds and rain |

Everything was wet and so were we, happy to have had made the hike despite the adverse weather.Jul 06, 2009

Back in the forest I couldn't stop wondering at its lush green color.Jul 06, 2009

An old tree.Jul 06, 2009

The edge.Jul 06, 2009

We had some sour milk at one of the cottages when it began to rain again. We set off anyway, greeted a few cows on the way ...Jul 06, 2009

By then it was raining hard so I packed my camera and used Aco's waterproof P&S camera instead.Jul 06, 2009

... one of them from very close!Jul 06, 2009

... and cows were wandering around.Jul 06, 2009

... the ponds clear ...Jul 06, 2009

The village of Velika planina was lush green ...Jul 06, 2009

This pond always begs to be photographed. The light was quite good.Jul 06, 2009

The chapel and yellow flowers in the foreground.Jul 06, 2009

We waited for over an hour and headed out again when the skies cleared a bit.Jul 06, 2009

... so I took a few more photos, and while we had a hearty meal at the hut, it started pouring.Jul 06, 2009

I knew the sun wasn't going to last for long ...Jul 06, 2009

Cows have been on pasture here for two weeks and will stay until the fall.Jul 06, 2009

The ominous clouds in the background weren't very promising.Jul 06, 2009

During the few moments of sun rays peaking from behind the clouds I scrambled around to take as many pictures as possible.Jul 06, 2009

The whole mountain was full of flowers.Jul 06, 2009

After a quick climb though the woods we reached the plateau of Mala planina. There was even some blue sky!Jul 06, 2009