Last additions - Snowy Arboretum |

Here it was totally dark, but this is what it looked like at a 15-second exposure and with cars passing by.Jan 15, 2006

The same scene, but different white balance used on the camera.Jan 15, 2006

A gorgeous sky.Jan 15, 2006

It got pretty dark and long exposures were needed.Jan 15, 2006

Lights in the distance.Jan 15, 2006

It was getting dark.Jan 15, 2006

Looking in the other direction.Jan 15, 2006

Fiery sky.Jan 15, 2006

... and violet.Jan 15, 2006

And the light was becoming more and more reddish...Jan 15, 2006

The sky turning red.Jan 15, 2006

The light was changing quickly - here it was turning bluish.Jan 15, 2006

Trees in grey light.Jan 15, 2006

Just after sunset.Jan 15, 2006

Just after sunset.Jan 15, 2006

A bird feeder.Jan 15, 2006

Through the woods.Jan 15, 2006

Photographer's heaven.Jan 15, 2006

A lonely path.Jan 15, 2006

A spruce fir up close.Jan 15, 2006

A beehive.Jan 15, 2006

Blue light.Jan 15, 2006

A black swan at the pond.Jan 15, 2006

Trees.Jan 15, 2006

A walk in the park.Jan 15, 2006

Trees in the distance.Jan 15, 2006

Trees in snow.Jan 15, 2006

A path lined with trees.Jan 15, 2006

Snow on branches.Jan 15, 2006