Last additions - October 2007 |

Duck silhouettes.Dec 07, 2007

Lake shore.Dec 07, 2007

Reflection.Dec 07, 2007

Ducks.Dec 07, 2007

Light and shadow.Dec 07, 2007

White trees.Dec 07, 2007

Red carpet.Dec 07, 2007

A chapel.Dec 07, 2007

The pier.Dec 07, 2007

Looking east from the pier.Dec 07, 2007

Looking west from the pier.Dec 07, 2007

April weather.Dec 07, 2007

On the pier.Dec 07, 2007

Bohinj was cloudy when we first got there. I had to wait for a few sun rays to penetrate the clouds and illuminate the opposite slope.Dec 07, 2007

Pokljuka forests.Dec 07, 2007

Pokljuka forests.Dec 07, 2007

On the way to Bohinj we passed Mt. Stol shrouded in clouds. While the valley was still clad in fall colors, the slopes were covered in snow.Dec 07, 2007

Lake Črnava in PreddvorNov 26, 2007

Lake Črnava in PreddvorNov 26, 2007

Lake Črnava in PreddvorNov 26, 2007

Lake Črnava in PreddvorNov 26, 2007

Lake Črnava in PreddvorNov 26, 2007

After a warm and sunny day, we were met by a snowstorm on the way back home!Nov 11, 2007

After a warm and sunny day, we were met by a snowstorm on the way back home!Nov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

ŠtanjelNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

Smoke treeNov 11, 2007

Smoke treeNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

VineyardsNov 11, 2007

Bohinj in all its glory.Oct 28, 2007

Marina skyline.Oct 22, 2007

Two men and a boat.Oct 22, 2007

After a hearty dinner of calamari, we sat back and enjoyed the sunset in the marina.Oct 22, 2007

Oily reflections.Oct 22, 2007

Sail and rope.Oct 22, 2007

Panorama.Oct 22, 2007

Piran in a curve.Oct 22, 2007

Red sail.Oct 22, 2007

Red sail.Oct 22, 2007

Colors.Oct 22, 2007

Punta.Oct 22, 2007

The church dominating the town.Oct 22, 2007

We sailed into the Piran Bay and then turned around.Oct 22, 2007

Piran and its colorful houses.Oct 22, 2007

Piran from the other side.Oct 22, 2007

As there was time left, we sailed to the south past Fiesa to Piran. This is Piran church on top of a cliff.Oct 22, 2007

An attempt at kite-boarding or just showing off the kite? Note the ship in the background.Oct 22, 2007

Repetition.Oct 22, 2007

Izola.Oct 22, 2007

Reflection.Oct 22, 2007

Our sailboat for the day.Oct 22, 2007

The pier in Izola.Oct 22, 2007

After spending a coupld of hours watching Barcolana, we headed back to Izola to drop off one of the "crew".Oct 22, 2007

More than 2,000 sailboats, actually.Oct 22, 2007

Countless sailboats.Oct 22, 2007

I don't know how they managed not to collide in that crowd.Oct 22, 2007

An old-timer. I will have to ask how it's called.Oct 22, 2007

Some people were enjoying themselves a lot!Oct 22, 2007

Rust on the hull.Oct 22, 2007

The ones with bigger sails were, naturally, faster.Oct 22, 2007

Many more were coming.Oct 22, 2007

One of the fastest sailboats.Oct 22, 2007

Then they got closer really quickly. Here they were turning around a buoy.Oct 22, 2007

First we had to strain our eyes to even see the sails.Oct 22, 2007

A big orange boat with spectators observing the thin line of sailboats in the distance.Oct 22, 2007

There were plenty of other vessels, all hurrying to the same spot to see the race.Oct 22, 2007

We headed north, to Trieste.Oct 22, 2007

Sea gulls.Oct 22, 2007

We sailed out of the Izola marina at about 9 a.m.Oct 22, 2007

A rusty trawler was moored at the pier; I don't know if it is still used for fishing.Oct 22, 2007