Most viewed - Velika planina again - sunset and fog! |

Ridges in red fog.217 views

The sight was amazing.214 views

Cows were returning to their cottages.214 views

The terrain was extremely wet as it had been raining for days. I got my shoes all muddy just by walking across this marshy meadow.212 views

I kept looking back.211 views

... and exploded into an orange series of sunbeams.204 views

We had some soured milk and cottage cheese while enjoying the view of the chapel enveloped in fog.203 views

Looking toward the other side, the fog had already started to creep up from the valley.201 views

The light changed again, this time to bluish.193 views

Kamnik - yay, I can see my house from here! :)190 views

Shadows on the opposite slope.190 views

Overcast and grey - I wasn't really counting on any great photos.189 views

But when we reached Velika planina and looked over the edge ... the light started to change.188 views

The clouds were beginning to redden.188 views

Then the red hue was gone and the fog slowly crept on over the village.187 views

More sun from behind the clouds.186 views

Fog.186 views

It was cloudy when we emerged from the forest to Mala planina.184 views

The trail along the edge.184 views

The sun made a bashful appearance ...182 views

It was pretty dark and I had to prop the camera on a fence to capture the fog rolling in again.182 views

A typical Velika planina cottage in the bluish foggy nightfall.182 views

Just before plunging back into the woods we said goodbye to Planina. I know we'll be back soon.182 views

Flowers.181 views

The fog turned red, but just for one minute.181 views

Sweet light.180 views

The chapel.180 views

The fog had reached the cottages, but the edge was still bathing in the sun.180 views

A completely different sight from one minute before.180 views

Barbed wire.179 views

It was almost 9 p.m. when we set off back to the valley.179 views

Now it was really dark and foggy, but knowing the way we didn't turn on our headlamps.179 views

I took a path away from the edge and towards the cottages, but when I looked back one more time ...178 views

In the village, the light was changing so fast I had to act quickly.178 views