Most viewed - The fall is coming |


This is a bit out of context, but I came across two unusual subjects for my picture-taking: paragliders...479 views

A caterpillar.472 views

Detail of the forest path.463 views

... and paragliders and a horse!461 views

Sometimes I just can't make up my mind on which pics to include in this gallery. Which one is better?456 views

It was time to leave - the sun was setting behind those yellow trees.438 views

A ray of light fell on this branch - it caught my eye immediately.432 views

A few details from the woods.419 views

... and its prickly shell.413 views


A couple days later I went chestnut-picking. Along the road leading into the forest the trees were showing definite signs of the approaching fall.383 views

Most of the leaves are still green, but some are turning yellow and red.380 views

... and more paragliders after the sun had set...377 views

On the way back, I stopped at a meadow and spotted some dew drops on the clover.367 views

Chestnut leaves...356 views