The Alps.1372 views

This mountain hut was closed.960 views

The winners at the press conference: Andrea Fischbacher, Katrin Zettel and Tanja Poutiainen.870 views

A classic Bohinj view.792 views

There is also a road leading all the way from the valley.503 views

We started hiking at about 7.30. Low sun and backlit trees - a photographer's dream! ;)402 views

Snow-capped mountains in the distance.394 views

One of many bunkers from the period between WWI and WWII.349 views

Mt. Lajnar (1549 m) with a bunker.347 views

Grass.331 views

Towards the east.331 views

The view towards the south.329 views

Only the six-seat ski lift was working.328 views

A couple of small lakes.328 views

Lake Bohinj.327 views

Looking back on the way to the top of Lajnar.324 views

At the cable car station.315 views

The ski slopes of Soriška planina.312 views

Under a tree.304 views

A sunlit slope.296 views

There weren't too many skiers.287 views

The only ski slope that was open.286 views

The other lake.283 views

Play of the sun and clouds.281 views

The view from the top of the ski lift over the surrounding Alps.279 views

A small lake.277 views

On the way down I took a few photos from the cable car.269 views

Looking up from the valley.267 views

Dark mountains and dark clouds.266 views

Fall colors in Bohinj.265 views

Mountains and forests and villages in the distance.257 views

The view towards the Julian Alps in the north.255 views

Fall colors are definitely here.255 views

It got dark very quickly and we could already see snow falling around the nearby Mt. Črna prst.251 views

In a matter of seconds the scenery turned gray and ominous.251 views

Last rays of sun before it disappeared again.249 views

A path leading to Mt. Možic (1602 m).248 views

After 15 minutes the sun was out again.247 views

From Slatnik towards the north - many paths and bunkers.246 views

Mt. Slatnik (1600 m) on the left was our next destination. Dark clouds from the west started to approach.245 views

Glorious sun and Mt. Črna prst in the background.243 views

The path up a grassy slope.241 views

A hiker and layers of hills.241 views

Sun and dark clouds even appeared at the same time!237 views

Mt. Slatnik and dark clouds.232 views

Anja Paersson.221 views

Anja Paersson.220 views

A road.217 views

Looking down the valley.210 views

From that other side you can ski around the mountain all the way back to the race track.208 views

Katrin Zettel, the winner.206 views

There are yellow snowmaking guns in the middle of ski slopes. And do you see cable cars against the mountain face on the right-hand side? :)204 views

At the top.203 views

Andrea Fischbacher.203 views

The panoramic view from the top cable car station.201 views

Clouds, cable car and a skier.201 views

Vast slopes.201 views

Tanja Poutiainen.201 views

Looking up from the finish arena.200 views

I didn't really take many photos of the racers as the fence was in the way.200 views

The winners: Didier Cuche (2nd), Daniel Albrecht (1st) and Ted Ligety (3rd).200 views

There is a tunnel to the other side of the mountain with another glacier and more ski slopes.199 views

I returned to the race just in time for the best skiers of the second run.199 views

Ligety started the second run.199 views

The slopes still radiated fall colors.198 views

Ted Ligety making a turn.198 views

No snow under the chairlift.197 views

Spectators lined the track.196 views

Bird's eye view.196 views

One of the many skilift rides I took that day.196 views

Vast slopes and blue skies.196 views

Skiers were waiting to ski down the slope.196 views

Ted Ligety was the only one of the top three racers who appeared at the press conference.196 views

A tower and sheep.195 views

This is the steepest part of the slope.195 views

One of the Slovenian skiers.195 views

Driving through Italy offered wonderful views of the fall-colored slopes.194 views

Another view from the top a bit later when the clouds had already gone.194 views

The steep slope proved to be a challenge for many skiers as it was full of bumps and ruts quite soon.194 views

In the afternoon, the valley was full of fog.194 views

Then we went for a quick ride around town to capture some more pictures.194 views

Ligety in the finish arena.194 views

At the finish line.193 views

On Sunday, I took some more photos at the other glacier where there is a viewing bridge suspended from a mountain.193 views

Last sun rays from behind the mountain.193 views

Early Saturday morning we took the skibus up to the Rettenbach glacier, and we could already see the race track.192 views

From the top of the slope you could see the last part of the track.192 views

Balloons.192 views

Later that afternoon, upon returning from the glacier, I took a few photos from our apartment.192 views

The first few runs were splendid, although I stopped every two minutes to take photos. :)191 views

Backlit.191 views

This is the view to the other side - you can see a green lake in the middle of the opposite mountain.191 views

Even the clouds cooperated. :)190 views

Weird sky. :)190 views

Pastures.190 views

One of the many smaller glaciers.190 views

People were gathering along the WC race track to see women compete in GS.189 views

There wasn't much natural snow outside the ski slopes.189 views

Another snowmaking gun, a parking lot and a reservoir.189 views

The arena at the bottom.188 views

The connecting ski track.187 views

Along the town road.187 views

Along the river.187 views

The view of Soelden after sunset.187 views

View from the bridge.185 views