Top rated - The fall is coming |

It was time to leave - the sun was setting behind those yellow trees.     (16 votes)

Sometimes I just can't make up my mind on which pics to include in this gallery. Which one is better?     (14 votes)

A couple days later I went chestnut-picking. Along the road leading into the forest the trees were showing definite signs of the approaching fall.     (10 votes)

Detail of the forest path.     (15 votes)

A ray of light fell on this branch - it caught my eye immediately.     (12 votes)

This is a bit out of context, but I came across two unusual subjects for my picture-taking: paragliders...     (19 votes)

... and paragliders and a horse!     (14 votes)

... and its prickly shell.     (11 votes)

A few details from the woods.     (11 votes)

Most of the leaves are still green, but some are turning yellow and red.     (10 votes)

On the way back, I stopped at a meadow and spotted some dew drops on the clover.     (10 votes)

... and more paragliders after the sun had set...     (9 votes)

Chestnut leaves...     (9 votes)