It got dark very quickly and we could already see snow falling around the nearby Mt. Črna prst.     (1 votes)

The view towards the south.     (1 votes)

Towards the east.     (1 votes)

Mt. Lajnar (1549 m) with a bunker.     (1 votes)

Looking back on the way to the top of Lajnar.     (1 votes)

Snow-capped mountains in the distance.     (1 votes)

We started hiking at about 7.30. Low sun and backlit trees - a photographer's dream! ;)     (1 votes)

One of many bunkers from the period between WWI and WWII.     (2 votes)

The view towards the Julian Alps in the north.     (1 votes)

At the cable car station.     (1 votes)

Only the six-seat ski lift was working.     (1 votes)