Late September was very warm this summer and we headed for the beach for the last time. A few days on practically deserted beaches was paradise. Well, except for the one where windsurfers gather - on a particularly windy Saturday the place was teeming with people and surfboards!
35 files, last one added on Oct 12, 2006 Album viewed 152 times
Košuta is a mountain range on the border between Slovenia and Austria. It consists of several peaks and is grassy on the Slovenian side and rocky and precipitous on the Austrian side. The views from the crest are glorious.
36 files, last one added on Jan 21, 2007 Album viewed 171 times
On a sunny early September day I went exploring the dirt roads at the foot of the Kamnik Alps. The road I took ascended quite high and provided me with splendid views of the mountains. When I returned to the valley, I took a few photos of the Kamniška Bistrica River.
19 files, last one added on Sep 11, 2006 Album viewed 146 times
After many many years I visited the Ljubljana Zoo again one warm Saturday in early September. The sun was too harsh at times for taking good photos, but I tried to work around it whenever possible.
12 files, last one added on Oct 04, 2006 Album viewed 150 times