Choosing Mt. Vogel as a skiing destination proved to be an excellent decision as the weather provided me with some spectacular sights. As if the scenery itself wasn't enough. :)
21 files, last one added on Oct 06, 2008 Album viewed 154 times
Easter 2008 was snowy. Even though it was gloomy and cold, I can always use different moods of the weather as an excuse to go out and shoot some pictures. And the mood was something special indeed. Hills around Lake Cerknica were enveloped in fog, and it was surreal to drive through woods on a snowy road. We concluded our trip by visiting St. Ana hill south of Ljubljana.
31 files, last one added on Nov 11, 2008 Album viewed 164 times
After a few quite warm days in March we were greeted with some more snow. It didn't last long in the valley, but it peppered the mountains nicely. Views from Mengeš fields were spectacular as always.
8 files, last one added on May 12, 2008 Album viewed 145 times