Winter sunrises are something special. A few fellow photographers and I climbed the snowy Velika planina plateau in the dark just in time to catch the dawn. The sunrise was glorious. We hiked around with our tripods and tried to capture the magical light.
65 files, last one added on Feb 18, 2009 Album viewed 186 times
After more than two weeks of rain and warm weather it started to snow again. Yesterday the view from my window was truly as it should be in early February - white! Last night it snowed some more and we woke up to 30 centimeters of snow. After shoveling the snow off my car I went for a walk around Mengeš but was soon forced to return home as it started to rain! I was completely wet in a matter of minutes and so was my camera. Oh well, I really do hope the snow holds and the weather returns to its wintry self.
19 files, last one added on Feb 03, 2009 Album viewed 187 times