A glorious fall day was perfect for a day trip. We drove over Vršič Pass to the town of Bovec and on our way back made a detour and drove on the highest road in Slovenia, to the Mangart Pass. Everywhere the larches were golden and the sky streaked with white clouds. A great day for a road trip indeed!
51 files, last one added on Dec 14, 2006 Album viewed 155 times
October was so warm and nice that it would be sin not to take advantage of it and climb some mountains. Mt. Debela peč is a peak in the Julian Alps that offers great views all around, especially on Mt. Triglav, plus its slopes are covered with larches, which are wonderfully golden at this time of year. The weather that day was a bit quirky - it changed from sunny to ominously cloudy and back three times!
66 files, last one added on Feb 25, 2007 Album viewed 162 times
On a late-October Sunday I drove around Kamnik. First I took some photos of rusty nuts and the like at an old dam, and afterwards I climbed the Stari grad hill to enjoy the sunset.
23 files, last one added on Dec 05, 2006 Album viewed 148 times
Stara Baška is a small village with a campground where I spend quite a few weekends camping every summer. In mid-October it was already quite windy and chilly, and it looked rather odd when the beach was deserted in the middle of a sunny day. But the fishermen persisted in the evenings.
22 files, last one added on Dec 21, 2006 Album viewed 156 times
I often take short trips, just an hour or two, to the nearby places. This one was to a small lake in Preddvor, a village at the foot of the Alps. The foliage is already starting to turn yellow and it won't be long until it is orange and red. While shooting, I had some fun observing the resident ducks and other birds.
17 files, last one added on Oct 06, 2006 Album viewed 129 times