Piran.12/29/17 at 10:53admin: Zelo lepo!

Of course I managed to prick my finger on it. :(06/19/11 at 14:34bafman: very broad subjects and nice comments, from an isl...

Layers.01/20/11 at 01:50Lauren Blackwell: Stunning image, Ana! The scene is breathtaking an...

10/02/10 at 20:55Bostjan85: Bohinj,če se ne motim,prelepe barve

On the edge.03/10/10 at 21:01miroslav petrusic: ludilo

Reichstag.01/17/10 at 00:04admin: Živjo, Miha! Hvala za pohvale. Pri dolgi ekspozici...

Reichstag.01/16/10 at 16:01Miha: Zivjo! Ze nekaj casa spremljam tvoj photoBlog in t...

Old Jewish Cemetery.12/10/09 at 23:45jure: super!

Starting early from the Kamniška Bistrica valley meant we had to use our headlamps before it dawned above Velika planina.12/06/09 at 15:48admin: Živjo Katja, in hvala za pohvale! Če si slučajno o...

Starting early from the Kamniška Bistrica valley meant we had to use our headlamps before it dawned above Velika planina.12/06/09 at 15:29Anon: sicer te ne poznam, vendar sem čisto naključno pri...

Peter and I at the top.12/04/09 at 12:01admin: hehe, thanks! and cold!

Peter and I at the top.12/02/09 at 14:40ieva: beautiful!

Views from the top cable car station at the Rettenbach glacier. 11/04/09 at 22:57admin: Res je bilo!

Views from the top cable car station at the Rettenbach glacier. 11/04/09 at 20:31Guest_paaro: joj kok je super!

04/21/08 at 15:24Al: I love the perspective

04/16/08 at 21:33Helga: Hello, its nice to see wonderfully things like the...

04/13/08 at 15:49anonymous: nice picture, I give it 7/10 - (...)

A cross is a very typical feature on summits in the Slovenian Alps.03/15/08 at 22:53meziane: i am meziane in VT i wish you nice time.friendly.

I spent over two hours at the summit in only a T-shirt (well, and pants, obviously)! It was really warm for the end of October.03/15/08 at 22:50meziane: nice pics and paysage my next travel is here.see y...

02/22/08 at 12:36Zoran Petrovic: Maca je lepa, ali poznajuci tebe misli da je prija...

02/20/08 at 09:23Glinda: adorable!

02/19/08 at 04:59James: Gorgeous ... take a thousand pictures and find out...

Cows didn't mind being photographed.01/26/08 at 18:50Rožle: Ej, tole skor zihr ni krava!

Typical headstones.01/15/08 at 15:59M. Lisella: Yes I remember the very small cemetery in Sarajevo...

01/03/08 at 17:23Jenny: soooooooooo cute

07/03/07 at 18:59jose lopez: bonita fotografia temereses un dies

The City Square.05/11/07 at 04:00Macro: hello

04/09/07 at 06:29Alika: N

03/03/07 at 23:51Danijel: Zelo lepe slike, ze leta 2004 sem videl da si imel...

02/21/07 at 19:20nowornever: a very very excellent photo, congratulations

The view towards Kamnik, my hometown.01/31/07 at 23:11digikl: Ana, tvoje fotke so super!!!

01/31/07 at 23:11digikl:

01/31/07 at 23:09digikl: Lepo!!

Neisha01/07/07 at 10:29ena:

The Zbilje Lake01/07/07 at 10:24lea: o zbilje :...

The castle lit up in the sunset light01/07/07 at 10:20lea: ful lepo sm že bla tle gor pa ni blo tok lepo k ne...

The view towards Kamnik, my hometown.12/31/06 at 03:48judy: WOW

At about 3.30 am it was already getting light in the east. This is a photo of a about a six minute exposure.12/31/06 at 03:47judy: love it. You are so lucky to live where you can ge...

Panoramic view from the top of the Kriska Mountain12/31/06 at 03:38judy: truly awesome

Lake Bled with the island and mist12/29/06 at 05:48Richard Williams: Ana: I saw the same scene last summer after it ra...

12/28/06 at 20:20jim: willjamesr@yahoo.com My brother visited you...

After the sunset the road leading to the west still gleaned a bit.12/28/06 at 09:42Igor: Lepe slike maš!

Backlit larches.12/26/06 at 00:31JimW: Great shot. I like this composition.

More windows12/25/06 at 10:54lll: ja res je

Any idea what this is?11/11/06 at 19:36hrust: men so super teli tlakovci

09/28/06 at 21:51Mandy: He is so cute!

Looking south on a sunny afternoon09/15/06 at 04:48Scott Doyle: What a beautiful view!

The view of Mountain Skuta.09/11/06 at 21:24mark: le kako dosežeš to? Bravo, lepo ujeta pokrajina v ...

Ski lift and a small hut. For the color version, place the mouse over the photo.08/07/06 at 21:54mark: te so ponovno čudovite, res imaš smisel

The view towards Kamnik, my hometown.08/04/06 at 14:46ArminB: wow, these shots are really worth you efford, wond...

06/25/06 at 18:01kety: te rože so pa res krasne

A train for coal suspended from the ceiling.06/15/06 at 20:41antoniocorreia.com: As the previous this one is a little better or, I ...

Ghosts.06/15/06 at 20:40www.antoniocorreia.c: Nice picture you have here.

Using a polarizing filter - place the cursor over the photo to see the non-polarized version.04/07/06 at 18:16mark: how you did that, znova presenečaš

A small tributary just before it flows into River Kokra.04/07/06 at 18:14mark: vedno znova me presenečaš z dobrimi fotkami, odlič...

04/07/06 at 03:31jc: very nice use of exposures . . .

I took a break at the Kamnik Saddle at 1,876 meters above sea level. Here I was looking at my final destination, Mount Brana.04/07/06 at 03:28jc: Great visual perspective . . .

04/07/06 at 03:24jc: Beautiful composition . . .

A white rock in the green water.04/04/06 at 12:01kurty: Frenomenalna!!!

This is one of my favorite places for afternoon walks. And it is so beautiful in the late afternoon sun!03/23/06 at 14:29mit: ana pozdravljena, ogledal sem si tvojo stran, imaš...

Looking through the window at the Prisank mountain.03/11/06 at 17:50mark: ne vem zakaj, ampak preprosto so mi vse tvoje fotk...

Here it was totally dark, but this is what it looked like at a 15-second exposure and with cars passing by.02/18/06 at 11:25Kurty: Poznavalec bi rekel, da je tukaj "policijsko&...

02/18/06 at 11:21Kurty: Bravo! Ravno pravi čas si slikala, da je tudi zgor...

The castle lit up in the sunset light02/17/06 at 22:17mark: grad Smlednik, lepo

A flock of birds got scared of the car.01/07/06 at 21:28Chuck: Nice Photo! How do you join this photo site?

A cross is a very typical feature on summits in the Slovenian Alps.01/07/06 at 21:20Chuck: Great Photos! Take Chuck, (...)

12/30/05 at 06:58karmen: vse lepo v novem letu

Green and blue.12/21/05 at 13:40Mitja: Fotografija je vsaj zame čudovita

12/15/05 at 15:06Irena: Fotka je čudovita - res prava zimska idila

As the trail climbed up Brana's north face, I enjoyed the view over the vast saddle and Mount Planjava.12/12/05 at 06:15Tim: Breathtaking, beautiful images of spectacular view...

11/08/05 at 15:54pete: perfect!

10/06/05 at 18:29danny: id drive this road in a heart beat

10/06/05 at 18:25danny: oh my, wow, excellent, the photo says everything i...

Where does the road lead to?09/23/05 at 08:10Adam: Great shot and great website. You really know how...

More windows09/13/05 at 18:35TPiP: Skorej odlicn posnetek, moti me to da ni fotkano v...

08/08/05 at 00:45paaro: balirka, snežna freza in obračalnik. ko maš vse to...

06/05/05 at 17:53sara:

The castle lit up in the sunset light04/27/05 at 21:50chuck: great composition and color

04/26/05 at 22:49g: Hi. This photo is really amazing. There is not a s...

The mill from another perspective.04/22/05 at 15:02janice: absolutely amazing. Can't find a photo of the whol...

The castle lit up in the sunset light10/11/04 at 22:31ian: love this picture

10/07/04 at 23:46MarkoP: how did you find this place

The road stretched in both directions - there were mountains towards the north...09/28/04 at 15:17Zebe: Kje je pa klavnca?

Some of the cows were quite spooked by my camera. Not these two though.09/28/04 at 15:13Zebe: Zalog zakon

Another one09/10/04 at 07:17n.: uau, kako ima velike oci